Author: Karin
Grocery store granola contains chemicals, fats, sugars, and grains that are not beneficial for healing autoimmune conditions and thyroid disease, and balancing hormones. This granola is full of good stuff, good fats, good sugars, and excellent nourishment! If you’ve never made granola before, it’s as easy as can be . Just mix up the ingredients and dry at low temperature, in your oven, or in a dehydrator. Enjoy!
Our favorite way to enjoy this scrumptious breakfast is with our favorite yogurt, whole milk or nondairy milk and fresh blueberries or blackberries!!
2 cups (gluten free) rolled oats
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/4 cup hemp seeds, ground
1/4 cup flax seeds, ground
1 cup chopped nuts (I used 1/2 walnuts, 1/2 pecans, with a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds)
2/3 cup coconut flakes
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup brown rice syrup
1/4 cup honey
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
Begin my grinding flax seeds and hemp seeds. A small coffee grinder works great for this.
Mix together oats, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and chopped nuts and coconut flakes.
Add in cinnamon and salt.
Melt coconut oil on low heat, mix with syrups and honey, and add.
Spread mix in thin layer on cookie sheet, pushing down firmly to make a compacted layer. If you have a dehydrator, this can be done on the silicone mesh sheets for best results.
Dry on lowest setting of oven, stir every hour or so. Dry until no longer sticky, dry to the touch, and compacted and crisp. Alternatively, use your dehydrator, set to 125 degrees, and dry for 24 hours.
I love to use the excalibur dehydrator, set at 125 degrees, to make granola. This allows me to dehydrate at a low temperature, which does not cook my ingredients, and does not cook natural enzymes and nutrients.